V Agrifood AT Conference
"Digital Transformation" is the title of the fifth edition of the Agrifood Alternative Technologies Conference, held on 15th and 16th December at the Lleida Science and Technology Agribusiness Park.
"Leading innovation", "Technology transfer (technology parks and industry)", "Communication and Networking", along with workshops on technological solutions, have been the 4 thematic blocks that have transferred to the attendees strategic and vision messages to undertake the Digital transformation.
The conference was inaugurated by Albert Sorribas, Vice-Rector of Science and Technology Policy at University of Lleida. The technological transfer block, which was used for the presentation of the "Open Innovation Market Place", was presided over by Ángel Ros, Mayor of Lleida, as Vice-president of the Lleida Scientific and Technological Science and Technology Park, who offered a press conference for the media.
Format Solutions, Porphyrio, Agrovision, IASP, XPACT, Cargill, CDTI, Caedis, TEDxLleida, Grupo Asís, Fira Barcelona, ??7accents, Ingenio, UDL, Atlantis and the AgrifoodAT team presented the different slideshows, which provided innovative messages, solutions and reflection, to the audience.
Industry, as an economic engine of our society, must know how to adapt to change and redefine its space, optimize its resources and create new business opportunities that allow not only to remain, but to grow and improve.
"Digital Transformation" is one of the pillars on which this change will be sustained, and one of the tools that the industry will have to know how to use to achieve its objectives. And it is not an easy challenge, since it is not only a question of acquiring solutions, but also of adapting procedures, protocols, equipment, and ultimately knowing the best way to manage that change that must be undertaken to implement it.
Agrifood AT aims to become a strategic partner, where companies that need to make such a transformation, find a team able to help them, advise them and accompany them in this new adventure.
The seminars were closed by Josep Clotet, managing director of the Science and Technology Park of Lleida.
We are grateful for the participation of sponsors and collaborators who have made possible the holding of the Conference: Agrovision (Jan Brouwers), Format Solutions (Michael Pastoor and César Infante), Disi, Evolution, Porhyrio (Jan Vervloesem), IASP (JM Piqué) (University of Lleida (Albert Sorribas), Atlantis (Ricard Soler), Caedis (Joan Molló), CDTI (Luis Maeso), Grupo Asís (Javier Nuviala), Ingenio (Sara Sampedro), La Salle Technova BCN, LiveStock Forum (Fira Barcelona, ??Manel Rubio), Cargill (NutralSca, Gonzalo Idiáquez), 7accents (Gerard Martínez), TEDxLleida (Pau Samó), Dep. Of Mathematics (UDL: Lluís Miquel Pla and Adela Pagès) And XPCAT, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (Generalitat de Catalunya), Lleida Tourist Office, Lleida City Council and ETSEA (UDL), as well as highlighting the companies that have provided their services for the event: ABACongress Translators, 7accents communication and audiovisuals, Up2you design and advertising, Imprenta Payà and QR Café.