Inseporc centrally manages the census of the insemination center and its movements. Integrates with the accounting system and customer management of the company together, avoiding duplication of data and work. Identifies the product as an item, just as it is from the company's accounting system. Tracks the extraction, from the planning to the delivery of the dosage in farm: Analysis, creation of article and lot.
Inseporc integrates with the laboratory system, automatically validating each extraction, according to data from the center. Allows total traceability of extractions and subsequent articles. It has a system of management of stock of doses, classified by genetic line and expiration. Control of clients and farms of clients, allowing to organize the delivery routes. Organizes the shipments according to the location of the recipients and dates.
Inseporc publishes useful and printable documentation: parts of work, delivery notes and roadmaps. Allows you to generate exportable custom reports to other applications.
Inseporc has the following functionalities:
- Production Area: Follow-up of an extraction until delivery.
- Animal Area: Control of census of boars, periodicity of extractions, quarantines and treatments.
- Area of Analysis: Integration, interpretation and traceability of the analyzes of the extracted samples.
- Sales Area: Traceability of the order.
- Logistics area: Management of the dispatch of orders.
Inseporc is an ideal solution for swine insemination centers to manage their management in an optimal and organized way.