The requirements are calculated using the animal species in question, the race, state of production, production capacity, final product characteristics (for example, % of fat in milk), applying the charts selected by the user. The calculation of the ration is done through a screen from where we control 100% of the data required for processing it and introduce any changes at the level of nutrients, ingredients, or characteristics of productive animals, solving the new formulation automatically .
The rations can be made optimizing the formula to minimum cost (starting from some ingredients offered by the user) or directly, being able to modify later on, watching from an interactive screen as nutritional values vary. When manually modify a formula after optimization system notifies you of nutrients that comply the minimum requirements and which not. The system allows you to review and compare the ration and the suggested ration from the same screen or in a report.
The option “Balanced multiple Rationing" allows you to work with up to five different rations simultaneously. Reports generated by the program are easily customizable. The database use by the program is 100% compatible with the one used by the program BRILL FORMULATIONTM. The modifications introduced in anyone of the two systems are exported easily to the other one.
The program has an own system that allows the use of equations for calculating specific nutritional values for all ingredients, or part of them, even for animal species. The number of farms / producers with which you can work is unlimited, being able to calculate more than 400 rations per farm / producer. Each farm introduced in the system is personalized with its own data (name, address, telephone, etc.)
Feed Ration Balancer has the following features
- Interactive Rationing
- Calculation of multiple rations at the same time
- Custom reports Compatible with: o Brill Formulation or Feed Tags.
- Equations for calculating customizable requirements
- Calculation of nutrient values
Among other features depending on your company needs.
This solution allows the optimization of rations, which improves the cost of these and helps to maintain a correct control of both the nutritional content and the cost, total and per ingredient, of the ration generated. Indispensable for any company that works in this sector.