LOGISPLAN optimizes the distribution based on one of the most promising lines of artificial intelligence, genetic algorithms. LOGISPLAN has been successfully implemented in different sectors, among which the distribution of hydrocarbons, feed supply, direct sales supplies or collection of urban waste, among others. LOGISPLAN automatically obtains the routes of each resource and the optimal loads of each vehicle of the fleet from the following input data:
The set of delivery services, collection or visits to be made in a given period of time.
- The characteristics and restrictions of the products to be delivered or collected.
- The fleet available with their output bases and load capacities and compartments.
- Incompatibilities between products.
- Time restrictions imposed by the company, customers or current regulations.
The different conditions to keep in mind during planning:
- Types of vehicles.
- Costs.
- Transportation fees.
- Speeds.
- Regulations, etc.
- Hours of service.
- Holiday periods.
Logisplan has the following functionalities:
- Automatic location in the map of the collection points, delivery or visit from postal addresses or geocoordinates.
- Manual location on the map of points with wrong or unavailable addresses.
- Graphical representation of the calculated routes.
- Multiple time schedules associated with the client or service.
- Waiting times, loading and unloading.
- Preferred vehicles and drivers, not available or not admitted by a customer.
- Compartmentalization of vehicles and control incompatibilities between products.
- Technical requirements of the vehicle for each service.
- Costs of the own fleet and tariffs of each carrier.
- Parameterization by different weights of each of the optimization objectives: costs, kilometers, times, delays, etc.
- Possibility of simulation and analysis of several scenarios: acquisition of vehicles, reorganization of zones, etc.
- Integration with the corporate systems already implemented in your company.
- Planning reports and statistics.
LOGISPLAN is a very useful solution for the management of fleets optimally for any type of company, whether feed manufacturers with their points of delivery and collection as transport of other materials. Companies with an important fleet to organize will see how it increases their efficiency and savings thanks to this intuitive and effective optimizer.